84 Plenary Session of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)

15 October 2010 - Professor Dr. Jasna Omejec, President of the Court and the newly appointed member of the Venice Commission from the Republic of Croatia, together with the newly appointed substitute member of the Venice Commission and Judge of the Constitutional Court Ms Slavica Banić, took part in the 84th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission, held in Venice from 15 to 16 October 2010. At this session the Commission adopted the opinions on the (draft) legislation concerning the following: Georgia (constitutional reform); Slovak Republic (state language); Ukraine (judiciary; the right to appeal, freedom of assembly); Bulgaria (judiciary); Serbia (freedom of assembly); Bosnia and Herzegovina (certain provisions of electoral law, statute of Mostar). The Commission also exchanged views with representatives of the Georgian Parliament, Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The next 85 Plenary session is scheduled for 17 and 18 December 2010.