Official opening of the judicial year of the European Court of Human Rights

2 February 2015 - Invited by Dean Spielmann, President of the European Court of Human Rights, Professor Jasna Omejec, President of the Croatian Constitutional Court participated in the solemn hearing of the European Court marking the opening of its judicial year. She has also participated in the accompanying seminar on the "Subsidiarity - a two sided coin? The role of the Convention mechanism and the role of the national authorities". After a speech by Dean Spielmann, the ECtHR President, and an introduction by Julia Laffranque, judge of the Court, the seminar continued with presentations by Sabino Cassese, Judge of the Italian Constitutional Court and Jean-Marc Suavé, Vice-president of the French Conseil d'Etat and by Angelika Nuβberger and Paul Lemmons, Judges of the European Court of Human Rights. The seminar was followed by the official opening ceremony, in the course of which Dean Spielmann, President of the Court, and Francisco Pérez de los Cobos, President of the Constitutional Court of Spain, addressed the audience representing the judicial world and local and national authorities.