Experts of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe at the Constitutional Court

19 April 2007 - during the visit to the Republic of Croatia aimed at reporting on the status of local and regional self-government in the Republic of Croatia, and on the harmonization of the national legislation with the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and other Conventions of the Council of Europe, the five-member delegation of experts of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, composed of Mr. Karsten Behr (Germany, rapporteur), Mr. Cees Bijl (Netherlands, rapporteur), Prof. Chris Himsworth (United Kingdom, independent expert), Ms. Almut Schroeder (deputy secretary of the Institutional Board of the Congress) and Ms. Lilit Nikogshsyan also visited the Constitutional Court where they were received by the Deputy president, Prof. Jasna Omejec, Judge Prof. Smiljko Sokol and Secretary general Mr. Teodor Antić. During the meeting discussions were held about the jurisdiction of the Croatian Constitutional Court with regard to local and regional self-government and the protection as well as realisation of the right to local and regional self-government, as one of the fundamental Constitutional rights.